Alliance Email Lists

Below is an overview of the email lists managed by the Orbis Cascade Alliance. All email addresses end with Please contact Elizabeth Duell with questions about these lists.

Open Lists

Open lists can be joined by any individual at a member library. If you would like to join an open list, please contact Elizabeth Duell


AnnounceAnnounceUpdates, announcements, job postings
Alliance ExchangeAlliance-exchFor member libraries to offer books/resources to others in the consortium.

Technical Services (TS)

ListAddress Information
Tech Services Discussionts-discussionGeneral questions and troubleshooting relating to Alliance TS work, especially issues regarding metadata or acquisitions issues in Alma.
Norm Rules DiscussionnormrulesCommunity-building and general questions related to Norm Rules.

Unique and Local Content (ULC)

ULC community ulc-community News and information sharing, community building, general discussion. Open to all Alliance members
ULC representatives ulc-reps Decision-making and information sharing between Alliance institutions and ULC program. Limited to assigned institutional representatives.
Archives & Manuscripts (A&M) program aandm News and information sharing, community building, troubleshooting, general discussion. Open to all A&M program members.
Includes assigned institutional representatives
ArchivesSpace implementers archivesspace-implenters Community building, troubleshooting, general discussion of ArchivesSpace. Open to all A&M program members.

Diversity & User Experience (DUX)

Diversity & User Experience (DUX) Discussiondux-discussionCommunity building, questions specific to discovery, troubleshooting

Resource Sharing & Fulfillment (RSF)

RSF Discussionrsf-discussionCommunity building, questions specific to resource sharing/fulfillment, troubleshooting
CouriercourierABPs, courier supplies requests, statistical reports, and general courier questions (includes all courier participants, not just Alliance libraries)

Shared Content (SC) & Electronic Resources (ER)

ERalliance-erLimited to Alliance member institutions. Questions and information related to e-resources ordering and renewal. Topics specific to Alliance e-resource subscriptions. Community-building and general questions related to e-resources. Broad discussions about e-resources (not limited to current Alliance subscriptions). May include aspects of Open Access or other issues relating the to Scholarly Communication ecosystem affecting the Alliance ER program.
ER Non MemberernonmemberOrder and renewal information for non-Alliance affiliate news and business. Questions and information related to affiliate e-resource ordering and renewal. Renewal reminders and confirmations will be sent via this list. Topics specific to Alliance e-resource subscriptions.

Systems (SYS)

Systems Discussionsys-discussionCommunity building, general questions, troubleshooting

Closed Lists

Closed lists are restricted to members of a particular group and are used to conduct group business. If you are a member of a group, you will be added to the group’s list. Closed lists are updated with changes in the group’s membership.

Last updated: February 1, 2023