Meetings & Documentation
Our minutes are posted to the Summit SG Shared Drive. Please contact the program manager if you are having difficulty accessing the documents.
The SSG maintains a collection of Summit Resource Sharing documentation to help you understand the processes and policies that guide our work. That collection can be found on the Summit Documentation Website.
The Summit Standing Group (SSG) is charged with ensuring that Summit processing is streamlined and stable, for the betterment of user and staff experiences. The SSG provides support by testing new resource sharing features in Alma monthly releases, conducting regression tests for Alma monthly releases, and proposing data-driven changes to the Alliance’s Alma resource sharing configuration (the rota). The SSG communicates its findings and recommendations to the resource sharing community through documentation of best practices, creation and maintenance of online training manuals, and participation on Resource Sharing and Fulfillment (RSF) open calls. The SSG provides advice and feedback to the RSF Program Manager, who serves in an ex officio capacity.
Additionally, the Summit Standing Group may form a small number of subgroups to advise the larger group and carry out specific tasks. Participants in subgroups should include at least one member of the SSG, but may be drawn more broadly from staff at member institutions.