Rights Statements Decision Matrix

The purpose of the Rights Statements Decision Matrix, in support of the Orbis Cascade Alliance’s Dublin Core Best Practices Guidelines, is to:

  • Ensure that digital collections have clear rights statements
  • Promote interoperability within Alliance institutions metadata records developed from diverse repositories
  • Facilitate access to digital content by end users

Standardized rights statements are new (released 2016), and some iteration on details is to be expected as the community of practice develops.

In creating and disseminating this document, the Alliance is not giving legal advice. Copyright determination is very complex and the decisions you make must be made by your institutions according to the amount of risk you are willing to take. We have used reasonable efforts to create accurate and useful information, but you should contact legal counsel to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem.

Rights Statements Decision Matrix v. 2.1 (XLSX)

Software: n/a

Configuration notes: n/a

Current phase: Phase 5 (Approved)

Written by: Dublin Core Best Practices Standing Group of the ULC Team

Approved by: Dublin Core Best Practices Standing Group of the ULC Team

Last updated: 2018 February 2

Nature of last update: Revised for clarity; addition of examples

Document History: Version 2.1

Development of versions 1.0 and 2.0 supported in part with a grant awarded in 2016 by the Oregon Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) program of the Oregon State Library.