Summit Policies

Who’s covered

Currently enrolled students; currently employed or retired faculty and staff, a limited number of special patrons.

What’s covered

Generally circulating materials.

Borrowing limit

Maximum number of Alliance items that an individual patron can have out on loan is 200.

Loan period

Generally circulating materials: 6 weeks. Other materials may be circulated for 6 weeks, or for 6 days. Items are eligible for one renewal of the same length unless the item is requested locally.

Returning materials/ Green Flags

Summit Materials may be returned to any Alliance member library. If a patron returns an items to an Alliance library that is not the lender or the borrower please insert a green flag in the item and send it to the owning library. The green flag will signal staff at the owning library that that item will need special processing e.g. backdating. Print the green flag document on lime green paper in order for it to be the Green Flag.


No direct recall for individual patrons; staff may recall when necessary.

Competing needs

Item may be checked out to patron at owning site (“item in hand”) even if a Summit Borrowing request has been received.

Lending Fees

Alliance members do not charge each other for Summit borrowing or ILL returnables.

Fines and Fees overdue lost irreparably damaged

Fines and other charges are billed and kept by patron’s library. Owning site may bill patron’s institution for replacement fee to cover lost and irreparably damaged material. Patron library may waive patron fines or fees but is obligated to reimburse owning site for lost and irreparably damaged material.Overdue: Members will use the local fine policy for Summit . Replacement: $75 plus $15 service charge.

Loan Sequence

Summit borrowing is preferred before an item is handled through ILL.

Course Reserves

Books and other original source material may not be requested for course reserves by another library.

Visiting Patron

Students, faculty, and staff who are currently enrolled or employed at Alliance institutions may have borrowing privileges when they visit other Alliance libraries. This “Visiting Patron” service includes borrowing materials from generally circulating collections and making Summit requests. You may not request materials through Interlibrary Loan.

Return it Clean

Remove all materials that may be left in the item before returning it to the Owning site, including paging slip.