ArchivesSpace Containers & Locations


The purpose of the Orbis Cascade Alliance’s ArchivesSpace documentation is to:

  • Ensure a basic level of uniformity in the structure, encoding, and content of archival collection management metadata
  • Promote interoperability of metadata
  • Provide clear guidance on program-wide and institutional choices
  • Ease the pathway from ArchivesSpace to Archives West


ArchivesSpace Containers & Locations (PDF)


Software: ArchivesSpace 2.5.2

Configuration notes: n/a

Current phase: 5 (approved)

Written by: Archival Collection Management Standing Group of the Unique & Local Content Team

Approved by: working group

Last updated: 2020 May

Nature of last update: Major revision for AS v 2.5.2

Document History: 2.0