Digital Collections

The Digital Collections Service has built capacity for digital collections metadata cleanup, training, and support since its inception in 2016. The service supports shared best practices, documentation, and training for Alliance members. The Alliance continues to collaborate with Alliance members, peer consortia, and state agencies to advance digital collections in libraries.

The Digital Collections service is part of the Unique and Local Content program and is advised by the ULC Team.

Between 2016 and 2018 the service was supported in part with a grant awarded by the Oregon Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) program of the Oregon State Library. During this time, the Alliance piloted a service as a Digital Public Library of America hub. The initial ingest was completed in 2021.

From 2016-2021, the Alliance central office supported a customized OAI-PMH harvesting system. While the system is no longer supported, code is available on Github, and additional legacy documentation is available on request.

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