Rights Statements in Digital Collections

The purpose of the Orbis Cascade Alliance’s documentation on applying standardized rights statements is to:

  • Assist institutions in doing optional metadata cleanup and enrichment according to the Alliance’s Dublin Core Best Practices
  • Promote interoperability within Alliance institutions metadata records developed from diverse repositories
  • Facilitate access to digital content by end users

Important note: the application of standardized rights statements at the consortial level is in early implementation nationwide and may be subject to revision or clarification.

Rights in Digital Collections: Applying Standardized and Free-Text Rights Statements (PDF)

Software: n/a

Configuration notes: n/a

Current phase: Phase 5 (Approved)

Written by: Dublin Core Best Practices Standing Group of the ULC Team

Approved by: Dublin Core Best Practices Standing Group of the ULC Team

Last updated: 2018 February 2

Nature of last update: Addition of examples, including format-specific examples

Document History: Version 2.1

Development of versions 1.0 and 2.0 supported in part with a grant awarded in 2016 by the Oregon Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) program of the Oregon State Library.